Friday, April 23, 2010

weirdness attacks!

Last night I posted about some things about me but I just remembered that I haven't posted weird facts about me. So let's start listing?:)

1. When I am speaking and thinking, I don't say ""ahm..ahm.gan'to po kasi..ahmm" instead I just look at something, probably the person asking me, my classmate or the ceiling.

2.During exams, when I'm thinking on what should I answer, I look up into the ceiling or bite the cover of my pen. Yucky isn't it but some of my highschool friends thinks that my biting thing works since I usually get the right answer.

3. During exams and I really don't know what to answer, I just simply predict an answer and 97% of my predicted answers are correct.:)

4. I really don't have any standard on buying my clothes,except for the brands. I pick my clothes based on my current mood. I said this line one time: "Ayoko ng madaming print. Gusto ko konti lang.(When I got a non- printed shirt) Ayoko nyan, walang buhay.Walang print." It's like this, I may hate the shirt today but maybe next week maybe I'll buy it.

5. Sometimes I buy some things that I like for a month or two then after using it once, I'll just put it somewhere. Perfect example of this scenario are my shoes. My brown old- school shoes. I just used it once then I hate wearing it now. Another is my rugged- type shoes. I used it and when I arrived at school I felt that I need to change it but I haven't.

6. When I crave for food, it lasts for about a week. Even if I already ate it. The longest food crave that I had was the california maki that lasted for about three weeks.

7. I usually get lower grades on subjects that I love than the subjects that I don't somewhat like. This is only contrary to History.xD

8. I love social studies since first grade. But I hate Philippine History and Economics.

9. I can't simply move on with some people and things. Sometimes I stop moving.

10. I hate k-pop songs.

11. I watch k-pop music videos on myx just to annoy myself.xD

12. For me, it's much easier to study English than Filipino. I love to speak English than Filipino. I just can't do it regularly since there would be confusion for some people.

13. When I talk to myself, I speak in English.

14. I consider my cute dog as a bad luck.xD

15. I broke a cellphone by accidentally dipping it on a canal during my birthday.

16. When I'm in a bad mood, I smash my old motorola phone on the wall, my bed or floor.

17. I love things that are not common to people.

18. I don't like lechon but I like lechon kawali and lechon paksiw.

19. My newest mannerism is pinching my nose.

20. When I like something, I wouldn't use it or eat it right away.

21. During high school, I just study for long tests and periodic exams but now in college I study even for recitations and quizzes!

22. Sometimes, the only thing I'm not lazy to do is breathing.

23. When I smell that our comfort room smells like a cigar, whenever my relatives are here, I always do this: open the door, do some talking like "Ambaho naman, amoy sigarilyo," spary an aerosol whenever there is someone passing behind me.:)

24. I keep money that isn't common.xD

25. I've got a thing for money. In the first hold of the money, I could sense if there is something different like if it has some new inscriptions in it, symbols, font color.

26. Sometimes, I can control my dreams.

27. I hate being greeted on my birthday in front of many people. It makes me pissed off. That's the reason why my most hated day on the calendar is my birthday. I also hate redundant birthday greetings like a person would greet me 30 times that day.

28. My college friends doesn't really know my birthday. Only three of them, I think, knows my birthday.

29. I really don't have a favorite color. I just tell that my favorite color is blue, silver and black for the sake of stopping a non- sense communication.

30. I also don't have a favorite number. 4 is just the number that I always think of.

31. The regular life of earphones for me is 1 month. I don't know why.

32. I don't like things and to do things that common people do. I want to do extra-ordinary things or things that aren't common on my environment but common in better environment.

33. All of the things you have read are all cruel sick jokes.xD

34. Just joking about number 32. All of these things are real.xD

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